Every BIGGER Picture Starts With A SMALL Dot

MeiTy is a pre-incubation program providing the right platform to nascent entrepreneurs. The program assists the startups to develop their ideas into a viable business model. DERBI Foundation with the support by the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology  (MeiTy, GOI) now extends ‘Entrepreneur in Residence’ support up to 4 lakhs and ‘Grants’  support to young startups for ‘Prototyping’ support up to 7 lakhs and assist you to build a strong basement in your entrepreneurial thoughts and guide you in customer discovery and idea validating.

Who Can Apply ?

  • An idea to Proof of Concept (POC)- stage technology startups
  • Working Professionals
  • Aspiring Entrepreneurs / Students

Enrol for the program, build your business, and win a chance to be a part of MeiTy tide program

Why Be A Part Of Our MeiTy Program?

  • Support in developing ideas into a viable business model
  • Exposure to ecosystem
  • Assistance in understanding customer segments and product market fit
  • Deep mentoring

Focus Sector

Digital Health

  • Telemedicine
  • Point of Care Device
  • Hospital Automation
  • AI for Diagnosis
  • Sports and Wellness

Program Offerings

  • Grant in aid Support
  • Customer Discovery
  • Diagnostic sessions with experts
  • Access to Prototyping Lab

Experience From The Program

PACE aims to validate and remodel a highs impact idea into a successful viable business plan.

  • Value Propositions
  • Channels, Customer Segments and Product market fit
  • Customer Relationships
  • Revenue Streams
  • Partnerships, Resources, Activities and Costs
  • Demo Day

MeiTy Startups