Whatever the Problem, we are part of your Solution

Ride In The Right Direction

GALLOP is an incubation program designed to validate startup solutions, support for product development, regulatory & IP, provide go-to-market strategies and offer one-on-one mentoring.

Focus Areas

  • Robotics
  • Point of care devices
  • Hospital management
  • Home care
  • Medical equipment
  • Telemedicine

5 Phase GALLOP Structure

GALLOP your startup journey through our incubation program

  • Defining and Solving phase: Define market requirements, product requirements, equip startup to create a solution.
  • Pilot Production: Startups to start there early production and setting up process with high-quality standards.
  • Product Launch: Certification from regulatory bodies and final validation before launching the product.
  • Regulatory & IP: Guiding startups on necessary regulatory guidelines and patent filing.
  • Customer pilot/trial and execution of pivots: Aids startup solutions to meet customer needs.

Who Can Apply?

  • Have prototype ready or about to complete
  • Building solutions with IoT, AI and ML
  • Startups in the Healthcare and EduTech Sectors

Selection Process

Apply for GALLOP program through direct scouting or online application submission.

  • Direct Or Online application
  • Application screening
  • Selection pitch
  • Onboard to incubation support

Why Be A Part Of GALLOP Program?

GALLOP Incubatees can avail the following benefit

  • Networks and Connects
  • Seed Funding
  • One-On-One Mentoring
  • Customized Incubation Support
  • Free access to prototyping labs and Mathworks license

Experience From The Program

  • MVP to market ready product
  • Pilot production
  • Clinical workflow journey
  • Flawless mentorship on your every step
  • Peer learning’s from DERBI entrepreneur’s network
  • Relevant connects to Healthcare ecosystem
  • IP filing and certification guidance
  • Go to market strategy
  • Possible funding support from DERBI or its networks

Program Partners

  • Indian Angel Network
  • Speciale Invest
  • Enzia Ventures
  • DST 2
  • Mouser
  • SFal
  • TIE Bangalore
  • SyndiCap
  • Sukino
  • Forus health logo
  • Mathworks
  • amazon